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Conic Section (Conic)

  • is a curve obtained as the intersection of the surface of a right circular cone with a plane

  • Depending on the angle of the plane with respect to the cone, a conic section may be a circle, an ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola.

What are the types of conic section?

  1. Circle

         A circle is all points equidistant from one point (which is called the center of the circle).


How to form a circle?

         A circle can be formed by slicing a right circular cone with a plane traveling parallel to the base of the cone.

2.    Parabola
         A parabola is a set of all points such that the distance from a point on the parabola to a focus point is the same as the distant from the same point to a fixed line.


How to form a parabola?
         A parabola can be formed by slicing a right circular cone with a plane traveling parallel to the slant or the generator of the cone.

3.    Ellipse
         An ellipse is all points found by keeping the sum of the distances from two points constant.


How to form a ellipse?
         An ellipse can be formed by slicing a right circular cone with a plane travelling at an angle to the base of the cone

4.    Hyperbola
         A hyperbola is all points found by keeping the difference of the distances from two points constant.


How to form a hyperbola?
         A hyperbola can be formed by intersecting a double-napped cone with a plane in such a manner that both napes are intersected.

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